Like the Energizer Bunny…Except Better.

My husband and I finally made it to see “The Jesus Revolution.”

He swiped at tears throughout most of the movie. I did too, but hey, I bawl when I watch “Elf.”

The movie brought him back to his own hippie days and all of the things he tried – the whole drugs, s*x-, and rock-n-roll bit. Like Greg Laurie, my husband was searching for something, but nothing filled him. There were moments of “high” but they were always followed by lows, and a continual searching. When he met me, we were two very lost, very broken souls.

The movie momentarily brought us back to those days, back to when we got married on a whim, barely 4 months after we met, in another futile attempt to fill a need within us.

Shortly afterwards, we encountered Christ, surrendered our lives, and began living a radically different life. An abundant life.

But would it last?

One of the things asked in the movie was “but will it last?”  The highs we get from drugs, alcohol, material things, titles, etc. all eventually wane, sometimes leaving us feeling worse than before.

But Jesus? He is eternal.

I wrote the post Been There, Done That. No T-shirt needed. eleven years ago. It  was a somewhat vulnerable post about my faith.  Just a few months later I survived the Aurora Theater shooting, a horrific event. But my faith stood firm. And in the midst of everything since then – the sad times, the inexplicable moments, the disappointments – God has remained faithful to carry me through with an abiding joy.

My faith has carried me, not because I have the strongest of faiths, but because of where my faith lies — in Jesus, Who says it only takes the faith of a mustard seed  to move mountains.

My eyes are on Him, so it is a faith that keeps on going no matter what .. .like the energizer bunny…only way better, way longer.

All the way into eternity.

Living abundantly,
